I am a highly driven, goal-oriented individual with a history of success both as part of a team and as a leader. My ability to communicate, motivate, and relate to others has played an integral role in achieving qualified teacher status, which has allowed me to explore opportunities overseas. I have always thrived as part of a team, working towards a common goal, whether on the sports field or in a professional environment. Obtaining my teaching qualification while managing a full timetable, including numerous extracurricular activities, is a testament to my determination and adaptability. Throughout my career, I have relished taking on responsibility, allowing me to develop effective strategies to handle the associated pressures.
As the Director of Sport at Kent College, I have advanced the sports programme in a highly competitive market and environment. I have increased pupil engagement by introducing new sports and activities to cater to students of all abilities and backgrounds. I have collaborated closely with international agents to secure top students into the boarding community and forged partnerships with local clubs and businesses. Additionally, I have spearheaded enterprise initiatives regarding sports camps and events during term time, organised short and long-haul tours, and overseen the sports scholarship enrichment programme.
· Responsible for a boys' boarding house - 40 boys aged between 11-18 years old.
· Dealing with a variety of pastoral issues that may occur throughout the year.
· Providing in-house academic and pastoral support to all students within the house.
· Liaising with parents and guardians around travel arrangements.
· Constant vigilance surrounding student well-being and creating a nurturing and supportive culture within the house.
· Clear communication with other members of staff regarding academic and pastoral needs.
· Complete restructure of the department including recruitment and providing role clarity.
· Designed and implemented an entirely new sports scholarship programme.
· Overseas visits to Europe and Africa on recruitment trips for potential sports scholars.
· Head of GCSE, A-level & CTECH PE, creating assessments, monitoring attainment, raising teaching standards, organising moderation & communicating with the exam board.
· Developed strong links with Kent CCC, Canterbury HC & Canterbury RFC, allowing students to access higher quality coaching outside of school.
· Complete oversight of the entire sports programme and working with heads of sport and senior leadership.
· Plans in place to redesign and modify the existing facilities, liaising with the bursary and various architects around conceptual designs.
· Organisation of multiple overseas sports tours, most recently a trip for two of our hockey teams to Rotterdam.