Sherborne Girls is an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11-18, located in the market town of Sherborne, Dorset. Established in 1899, this selective institution has around 490 pupils, the majority of whom are full boarders.
Sherborne Girls operates in partnership with Sherborne School (for boys) and Sherborne Preparatory School, both of which are situated nearby. The three schools work closely together and occasionally offer shared teaching in some subjects.
Dr Ruth Sullivan
Vision and values
Sherborne Girls' vision is to be the leading full-boarding girls’ school for all-round personal development and academic fulfilment, and to create a community of empowered learners who will be an influence for good in a challenging world.
The school aims to provide a broad and enriching, full boarding education that develops the unique talents of every girl within a supportive community. To send out into the world girls of character, commitment and compassion who are able to think clearly and creatively, choose wisely and have the courage to make a difference.
Five values underpin the ethos of Sherborne Girls:
Curious – Sherborne girls will be intellectually enquiring and imaginative; they will seek challenge and inspiration in the pursuit of excellence.
Courageous – Sherborne girls will be bold and adventurous; they will have the courage to take risks, the resilience to overcome adversity and the inner confidence to lead others.
Compassionate – Sherborne girls will be principled, considerate and kind; they will have a sense of responsibility to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live and work.
Adaptable – Sherborne girls will be resilient and flexible; they will be able to adapt to the demands of the modern day and to respect and celebrate the differences of others.
Spiritual – Sherborne girls understand Christian values, they value reflection and well-being in themselves and others.
ISI report
“The school fully meets its aims. The pupils achieve at a high level in both their academic work and their activities. They make rapid progress in their learning as a result of the good, often excellent, teaching, and the excellent curricular and extracurricular provision which provides an extensive range of subjects and activities.”