The Glasgow Academy is an ambitious, warm, welcoming, thriving and forward-thinking fully co-educational HMC independent day school of around 1600 pupils aged 3-18. It is highly popular, growing in a planned way over the last 14 years. It consists of the Senior School, of around 800 pupils of 11-18 years of age, and a Preparatory School (which has three sites and also around 800 children, counting all those in Nursery/Kindergarten). The school gains excellent SQA exam results, and raising academic results further is the central target of its School Improvement Plan. Our performance in SQA exams is consistently amongst the best at independent schools and, for example, in August 2023 80% of Highers in S5 were awarded a grade A, and 99% of the Highers sat were passed. Beyond academic achievement we want all of our pupils to thrive and contribute to a rapidly developing modern world and to do that we must ensure they leave The Academy with a socially conscious, innovative and global outlook. Our aim is that we provide our pupils with rich learning experiences that best prepare them for life after The Academy also places value on the importance of sustainable education for future generations. Through further development of our local, national and global partnerships our aim is that we have a greater impact on lives within and out with The Academy community.