Dubai College was established forty-six years ago and has a national and international reputation as a world class learning organisation. It is an independent, coeducational, not-for-profit, selective school for boys and girls aged 11-18.
Dubai college follows an adapted English National Curriculum and visions to be a “leading British education overseas”, underpinned by four pillars of sporting, creative, philanthropic and academic endeavor. Named British International School of the Year 2019 by Independent School Parent magazine, the school has since featured five times in the Spear’s and Carfax Indexes as one of the top 100 private schools in the world.
The number of students on roll is currently 1112 and comprises boys and girls in the 11 to 18 age range with 295 in the Sixth Form. The College operates an eight form intake of 176 students in Year 7. Approximately 40% of the students are British, but 59 other nationalities are represented.